TCP Port Discovery
It’s very common to find that all kind of ICMP packets are being filtered. Then, all you can do to check if a host is up is try to find open ports. Each host has 65535 ports, so, if you have a “big” scope you cannot test if each port of each host is open or not, that will take too much time.
Then, what you need is a fast port scanner (masscan) and a list of the ports more used:
#Using masscan to scan top20ports of nmap in a /24 range (less than 5min) masscan -p20,21 23,25,53,80,110,111,135,139,143,443,445,993,995,1723,3306,3389,5900,8080
You could also perform this step with nmap
, but it slower and somewhat nmap
has problems identifying hosts up.
HTTP Port Discovery
This is just a TCP port discovery useful when you want to focus on discovering HTTP services:
masscan -p80,443,8000-8100,8443