
If find the same ID of the same tracker in 2 different pages you can suppose that both pages are managed by the same team.
For example, if you see the same Google Analytics ID or the same Adsense ID on several pages.

There are some pages and tools that let you search by these trackers and more:


Did you know that we can find related domains and sub domains to our target by looking for the same favicon icon hash? This is exactly what tool made by @m4ll0k2 does. Here’s how to use it:


cat my_targets.txt | xargs -I /favicon.ico"' > targets.txt python3 -f https://target/favicon.ico -t targets.txt -s

favihash - discover domains with the same favicon icon hash

Simply said, favihash will allow us to discover domains that have the same favicon icon hash as our target.

Moreover, you can also search technologies using the favicon hash as explained in this blog post. That means that if you know the hash of the favicon of a vulnerable version of a web tech you can search if in shodan and find more vulnerable places:


shodan search org:"Target" http.favicon.hash:116323821 --fields ip_str,port --separator " " | awk '{print $1":"$2}'

This is how you can calculate the favicon hash of a web:


import mmh3 import requests import codecs def fav_hash(url): response = requests.get(url) favicon = codecs.encode(response.content,"base64") fhash = mmh3.hash(favicon) print(f"{url} : {fhash}") return fhash

Search inside the web pages strings that could be shared across different webs in the same organisation. The copyright string could be a good example. Then search for that string in google, in other browsers or even in shodanshodan search http.html:"Copyright string"

So you have already:

  1. Found all the companies inside the scope
  2. Found all the assets belonging to the companies (and perform some vuln scan if in scope)
  3. Found all the domains belonging to the companies
  4. Found all the subdomains of the domains (any subdomain takeover?)
  5. Found all the IPs (from and not from CDNs) inside the scope.
  6. Found all the web servers and took a screenshot of them (anything weird worth a deeper look?)
  7. Found all the potential public cloud assets belonging to the company.
  8. Emailscredentials leaks, and secret leaks that could give you a big win very easily.
  9. Pentesting all the webs you found